Metamath Blueprint : AKS (PRIMES is in P)

Theorem aks10kbnd

$e |- 
$e |- ( ph -> N e. RR ) $.
$e |- ( ph -> 10000 <_ N ) $.
$p |- ( ph -> ( ( 2 logb N ) ^ ( 7 / 2 ) ) < N ) $.
Lemma 2.3 from ~

Use Taylor's expansion for f(x) = (log_2(x))^{\frac{7}{2}} at x = 10000. Then observe that f^{\prime\prime}(x) < 0, f^{\prime}(x)<1 and f(x) < 10000 for x\geq 10000.

This suffices, as f(x)\leq f(10000)+(x-10000)f^{\prime}(x)

\leq 10000 + ( x-10000)f^{\prime}(10000)


\leq x